Wednesday, November 7, 2007

today I heard a story about the tales of the forth grade nothing the characters is very funny people the name is Fudge and another boy named Piter the dad is going to visited the juicy-o people and they were selling a juicy-o.The juicy-o is very discus ting drink aver the people don't buy the juicy-o because the juicy-o is mixed fruit and the fruit is disgusting aver.


pierre_pineda said...

Hi there Alvianto. It's good to see that you have started with your blog. You finally made it.

Try to explore the use of your blogger so you'll find it easy to make your posts and upload pictures.

I will be visiting your blog again and I wish to see your daily journals and reflections. Choose topics or ideas to write about. I want to see your discussing about what you find meaningful each day. By expressing yourself through writing, you'll find it easy to come up with great details in your writing soon. This way, you will improve a lot in your learning. Cheers!

Alvianto said...


I am Alvianto!!!!!!